The 4th of July weekend is almost here. You know what that means…fireworks, picnics, barbecues, and the county fair is in town! Fire up the grill and bring on the fun!
Whichever way you choose to celebrate Independence Day, we should look at why we celebrate, and why we should appreciate this holiday. There are so many things to be thankful for…family is one, freedom is another.
Our forefathers signed the Declaration around the time of July 4, 1776. Actually, according to history, only two signed on the 4th; John Hancock and Charles Thompson. Everyone else signed in days to follow. The Declaration of Independence was signed to bring USA better life.
The main reason for our Declaration of Independence was to clarify with foreign nations why the colonies decided to secede from Great Britain. Today, we celebrate our freedoms and revel in the ability to do many things that may not have been possible if the declaration had not been so carefully thought out and signed.
Fly your flags high and proud! Wear the nation’s patriotic colors of red, white and blue, and recognize the fact that we are a nation of self-respecting Americans.
Along with our National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance, as sung and recited at some governmental proceedings, meetings, various occasions, and most sporting events, we are reminded where our allegiances as Americans remain.
Also, remember to thank those who make a living from or has volunteered to keep us safe.
God Bless America!