Easter and the season of spring seem to naturally go hand-in-hand. The weather is usually milder, and flowers bloom. Children begin to anticipate the end of school, however, look back with regret at spring break that has past. College students move on from school to work or internships and look forward to celebratory parties.
Easter celebrates the season of Jesus’s death and resurrection in the Christian faith. Joyfully, we honor this occasion and break fasting that we have endured for 40 days. Sweets, sodas, and caffeine are among the things that we are not allowed until this Sunday.
Other traditions for Easter include attending church, and the arrival of the Easter Bunny. He brings candy, goodies and toys in baskets which are used to collect eggs with candy inside and more toys after they have been hidden from sight. Children of all ages like to hide and find eggs. Some contain money.
Easter brunch at a home or hotel is another tradition that is revered. Breakfast and lunch foods are enjoyed by adults and children. Champagne and mimosas seem to be popular and flow on this holiday.
While we are enjoying our time at home with our families, remember to help a family who may be in need. Perhaps they might need a grocery store run, a home-cooked meal for someone who cannot cook, or a house that needs to be cleaned for someone who cannot get around. Donations are always welcome, however, the gift of time spent is a gift that cannot be purchased. Shut-ins or those in a senior center enjoy chatting with someone who has a little bit of time to spare.
Some people choose to attend a movie on Easter. It’s a tradition and one that’s enjoyed by the entire family. If you’re fortunate, there may still be a few of the Oscar-award winners left at the theaters. Easter can still be a holiday date night.
Don’t discount dinner out on Easter as well. Restaurants offer specials on a higher end, and encourage reservations. Wait times could be long if no reservations are made.
Easter is a time for community, family and friends. Enjoy your holiday!